Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Spring Wellness Series Week 2

What Should I Do To Lose Wieght Fast During Our Spring Break?

Come New Years Day, most people kick into high gear, choose a new diet plan, pay for a gym membership, and do their best to transform their body. If you're trying to lose weight for the summer, an important piece of the motivational jigsaw is your ability to be positive about making short term sacrifices. The choice is fairly simple: you can focus on the deprivation" involved in giving up certain foods, or you can focus on the benefits you will get by not eating these foods. Sadly, many dieters focus on feeling deprived. After a while they see their diet as a burden, a bore, an evil necessity. This is why so many of them quit. They can't see" the benefits that weight loss will bring them. If you want to improve your body shape for the summer, you must avoid this trap and appreciate the longer term benefits you will receive by making short-term adjustments to your lifestyle.

Without getting into the politics of Russia and Ukraine, we can still clearly talk about the visiting the areas under dispute. The Ukrainian government considers Crimea illegally occupied by Russia. As a result, it has put restrictions on visiting the peninsula. First of all, foreigners and Ukrainians alike must have legitimate reason to visit. Ukrainians can cross by land if they have family or property there. Foreigners can only visit Crimea through Ukraine if they are journalists and have applied for special permission.

The current data revealed that females were more overweight than males by 8.7%, and they were more obese by 17.4%. Some studies have reported similar rates of overweight among male and female university students and also found that obesity was substantially greater in females than males 13 The average height of the current female participants was similar to that of other female Saudi university students of the same age, but the weights and BMI of the current cohort were higher 14 The current small sample size is not representative of university female students, and obese female students may be more inclined to participate in a study that is related to measuring their physical activity and food habits. It is important that the aim of the current study was to compare physical activity patterns among male and female university students, not to establish a prevalence of obesity among Saudi female students.

When trying to eat healthy, it's a mistake to cut out foods that you enjoy just because they may not be good for you. Going without chocolate or beer will only make your cravings for them worse, which will probably lead to an eventual night of binge eating or drinking. Instead of starving your body of the occasional treat, limit your portions. It's okay to reward yourself for your hard work every now and then. Just remember to try and do it in moderation.

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